Crooked Creek Conservation Club - Logo Range Rules Newsletter January 18, 2025  Archives
Map of Club Grounds Summary of Activities

Welcome Letter

Rules of Conduct

New Member Information

Club Calendar of Events
Membership Application
membership applications are voted on by the Trustees on the 2nd Sunday of each month

Use the 2025
Gate Combination

Gate combinations were changed on Saturday, January 25th

Spin the numbers once you open the gate!
Do NOT leave the combination dialed in!!!

Members only page
 Please read the update on shooting into the ground on the 50 yard bays!
Username is range. Use the current gate combination for the password.

Wing Fest
Saturday, June 7, 2025

Clay Sports
(Trap, Skeet & 5-Stand)

Field Trials
Bird Dog Challenge
Chukar Classic

39th Annual Youth Weekend
July 25-27, 2025

Work Party
Sunday, May 4, 2025

Pistol Matches
(USPSA & Steel Challenge)

ARA Matches

Golf Cart Rules

Range Safety Class - 2nd Sunday @ Noon 


22 Rimfire Matches
100 Yard and Know Your Limits

Club Apparel

For Sale (updated 2/10/2025)


Concealed Handgun License Class

Women's Weekend
Saturday, May 10, 2025

Hunting at Crooked Creek Conservation Club

Club Hunting Rules

Only two (2) deer may be taken by a member by any means from September to February.

No driving of deer on club property.

Members may NOT bring any guests to hunt on club property. Members found doing this may face expulsion from the club.

Tree Stands

Tree stands may be placed on club grounds starting on August 15th each year. Stands must be marked with your contact information (Name, address & Phone Number) and your membership number.
All tree stands must be removed by April 15th each year. Any stand found in the woods at the May Work Party will be removed. We will contact you about your stand if you have properly marked your stand.
The stands must be removed to prevent damage to our trees. At the last May Work Party, several stands had to be cut out of the bark of the tree. This reduces the value of the tree when it comes time to harvest it.

A message to our hunters:

The club has invested a lot of time and money creating habitats and food plots for our wildlife to increase your hunting opportunities. This includes expensive machinery, seed, fertilizer and man hours. We need your help identifying what is working and what is not. The information we gather will be used to determine what practices to keep, increase, or eliminate. It's not our purpose to share who got what where or divulge anyone's honey hole or special spot. We simply want to know if our efforts are working.

It would help greatly to know what you see and bag. How many opportunities were presented with how much effort. How often are you seeing rabbits, deer, turkeys, pheasants, ducks, squirrels and other game? How many did you see and how many did you harvest? Have you seen any predators or signs of predation? The more information we can gather the better we can adjust our efforts to increase your opportunity for an enjoyable experience.

Remember, hunting club property is a member only privilege. Don't risk losing your privileges or membership by bringing along non-members.

Have a safe and enjoyable hunting experience.
Brett A. Sloan

All ranges are CLOSED for the first two days of Deer Gun Season (normally the Monday and Tuesday after Thanksgiving).
Here is a note from the club president about hunting on the club property:
Just a quick note to try to answer some questions about hunting on club land. The club currently owns approximately 413 acres. Members are permitted to hunt club property and are required to follow all state game laws, guidelines (including safety zones) and bag limits. At no time are nonmembers allowed to hunt on club property. Property lines are clearly marked and Ashtabula County GIS maps are available online. Portable tree stands are permitted as well as ground blinds. Stands and blinds left unattended must be tagged with the members name, address and membership number. Stands must be removed by April 1st or risk forfeiture. No nails or screws can be used in trees. Trimming of shooting lanes is permitted.
Hunting within the marked shooting preserve is permitted. Hen pheasants may not be harvested. Again, all state ​game ​regulations apply. Be a good neighbor and stay on club property. Don't hunt too close to our neighbors' dwellings. We are all stewards of the club. Be a good one and enjoy your experience.

Brett Sloan

 Any comments, additions or corrections can be sent to Bud Connolly crooked_D_O_T_creek_D_O_T_email_A_T_gmail_D_O_T_com or 440-259-3512.